Artifical Intelligence.. Driven On-Time Delivery of Goods
Get the system to alert you not just when things are going wrong but also when things are likely to go wrong
Work with teams across functional boundaries to determine the most profitable response for your business
Issue and Alert Management Define alerts on objects with thresholds across multiple metrics
Ensure efficient data flows while making sure of compliance to applicable data laws
The time has come for predictive analytics to become mainstream in after-sales service. As technology
platforms mature and costs decrease, we pay attention to these three areas of opportunity. Predictive analytics is on the horizon for the total supply chain and the after-sales service landscape in an industry projected to be worth more than $9 billion by 2025. Predictive analytics -- the ability to use data to predict future activities -- enables real-time decision making and forethought on both strategy and performance. The proactive nature of this strategy is what will make it the next big thing in supply chain business intelligence.
Data is the theme behind this growing trend in technology. Simply put, theres more data available than ever before, so there's enough data to fuel predictive algorithms.
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